
Docker File

Before we talk about compose one thing should we know is Docker Fie . What is Docker File ? . A Dockerfile is file that Docker reads from top to bottom. It contains a bunch of instructions which informs Docker HowDocker image should get built. Short Answer Dockerfile basically for Customize your Docker image .

You can relate it to cooking. In cooking you have recipes. A recipe lets you know all of the steps you must take in order to produce whatever you’re trying to cook. Recipe = Docker FIle

Docker File Command

FROM Must be the first , for set base image container
EXPOSE For exposing container PORT
RUN Execute any commands in a new layer on top of the current image CMD For Executing Container
LABEL instruction adds metadata to an image
ENV sets the environment variable to the value
COPY copies new files or directories from <src>
ADD copies new files too but ADD have little power than copy , ADD supports 2 other sources. URL & TAR files
ENTRYPOINT allows you to configure a container that will run as an executable
VOLUME Create Container Volume
USER Sets the user name (or UID) and optionally the user group (or GID)
WORKDIR Sets the working directory for any RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY and ADD instructions
ARG defines a variable that users can pass at build-time to the builder
HEALTHCHECK tells Docker how to test a container to check that it is still working
SHELL allows the default shell used for the shell form of commands to be overridden
ONBUILD adds to the image a trigger instruction to be executed at a later time, when the image is used as the base for another build.
STOP SIGNAL sets the system call signal that will be sent to the container to exit

Create Docker FIle

Ok Let’s Practice, for example we have a Use Case:

  • you wanna build Node on top of Linux Alpine
  • Expose port 4000
  • Adding custom work directory to /app
  • Adding tini for graceful shutdown before you running it.

Answer :

FROM node:10.17-alpine


RUN apk add --no-cache tini


COPY package*.json ./

RUN npm install && npm cache clean --force

COPY . .

ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini", "--"]

CMD ["node","app.js"]

After that you ready to build the docker file by run

  • Docker build -t.

Very Simple Right ? It is ! . That’s why Developer & Operaion Team love Docker.

Docker Compose

What the heck is compose ?  If you wanna run multiple container at single service (in local environment) you need compose . Short Answer compose is YAML file for defining multi container such as port , shared volume , relation between container etc.

Compose Command

Docker Compose CLICommands:

build              Build or rebuild services
bundle Generate a Docker bundle from the Compose file
config Validate and view the Compose file
create Create services
down Stop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumes
events Receive real time events from containers
exec Execute a command in a running container
help Get help on a command
images List images
kill Kill containers
logs View output from containers
pause Pause services
port Print the public port for a port binding
ps List containers
pull Pull service images
push Push service images
restart Restart services
rm Remove stopped containers
run Run a one-off command
scale Set number of containers for a service
start Start services
stop Stop services
top Display the running processes
unpause Unpause services
up Create and start containers
version Show the Docker-Compose version information

Create Docker Compose

The most important things you need to know, you must write docker compose YAML version in first line , There are two version now . Version 2 for local development and Version 3 if you using orchestration like kubernetes or swarm . I recomend you using version 2 because have a lot of feature for local development.

Remember Docker Compose care about Indentation and case sensitive

Back To the create docker compose , for example we have use case :

  • You have 2 services , first app service and second mongo services which is your database
  • App services is build from docker file , so you no need to download image again.
  • Expose your app to port 3000 & make sure node app run after mongodb up and running
  • you need set MongoDB Volume too and expose mongo port to 27019

Answer :

version: '2.4'
    restart: always
    build: .
      - '3000:3000'
      - mongo
    image: mongo:4.2.0
      - '27018:27017'
      - mloandata:/data/db
      - mloanconfig:/data/configdb

Last Word

That’s it about docker compose hope you will get better understanding about compose workflow, dont forget to check really good blog post about docker & compose , Link down below.