Express Series 2 : Middleware


In this series we wanna talk about middleware in Express. Basicaly Middleware is a function which can access HTTP request (req) and HTTP responses (res) because middleware hook inside routing object.

If the current middleware function does not end , it must call **next() **to tell express for execute next middleware function .

We can use middleware that we create by our self or we can use third party middlware that express support it like body-parser, cookie parser etc. Generally middleware is put inside app.use() or router.use() method . This is some type of express middleware :

Error handling middlewareapp.use(err,req,res,next)
Built-in middlewareexpress.static, express.json , express.urlencoded
Thirdparty middlewarebodyparser , cookieparser etc.
Writting Middleware

Before we writing a middleware , the most important thing is we must know the app.use() structure , because most of the time , middleware will put inside the app.use() method , here is the structure :

app.use(“path”,callback(http methods))
PathA string representing a path
callbackA middleware function
Writing Third party Middleware

Pretty Easy if you writing third party middleware , after you install & require the package from npm , you just write :

const express = require("express")
const app = express()
const cookieParser = require("cookie-parser")
const cors=require("cors")
const bodyparser=require("body")

// load the middleware
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));

That’s it very easy , and if you see why bodyparser have a parameters, it’s because body parser having that ability , too see what parameters or what third party middleware that express have you can check express offical , link down below :

Writing Custom Middleware

For Custom middleware i will show you 2 ways to do that , first inside same file and second in diferent file , for example i’ll make 2 middleware , first request log middleware and execute next middleware to the get date middleware and the last response to “/“ route . if we not call “next” on that 2 middleware we will not arrive to the “/“ route.

// Middleware
app.use((req, res, next) => {

app.use((req, res, next) => {
  let date = new Date(;

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
  res.send("Welcome Home");

For making more modular we can write in diferent file and export it , for example we have 2 file , index.js (for server) & midd.js (for main middleware).


    let today=new.Date();
    let hh=today.getHours();
    let nn=today.getMinutes();
    let ss=today.getSeconds();

    let time=hh+':'+nn+':'+ss;



const require("./midd.js")
    res.send("Welcome To HomePage")
Last Word

That’s all about basic middleware , this is very important , because we will use middleware all the time in node js for convert our logic and problem solving , i Hope you understand the basic , As always dont forget to check the documentation :