Express Series 8 : Security Best Practices
This is the last & the most important part of express series . How we secure our express app. Well as you already know express is very minimalist web framework and extreamly unopinionated , that means we rule and control how the app must run , how app should be structured & what package should be install , we pick all that stuff by self . On the Negative side , this give us vulnerability to our web app if we not carefull.
So in this post , i just give advice based on my experience , if you wanna add tips for tweak security in express that miss in this post , just drop in comment section ok ? . So let’s Get Started ..
Make your Express App More Secure
1.Place Sensitive Data in .env
Separate Sensitive Data like Database Connection String , User , Password , Api Keys & Port in .env file make your code a bit more secure and more clean .
This help you to Avoid (accidentally) committing (exposing) your private keys, passwords or other sensitive details(by hard-coding in them in your script) to GitHub by storing them as environment variables. Another useful package that you can use is dotenv.
2.Use Helmet
Helmet.js is a useful Node.js module that helps you secure HTTP headers. HTTP headers are an important part of the HTTP protocol, but are generally transparent from the end-user perspective.
The headers provide important metadata about the HTTP request or response so the client (browser) and server can send additional information in a transaction. Helmet is helping by setting various HTTP headers. Helmet give us very clear documention , link down below :
3.Use Snyk
Most of your code come from npm . That means, Most of your app vulnerabilities come from npm . The problem remains that the npm dependency architecture can expose your users to security problems, even if your app itself is secure.
That’s why we need Snyk. Snyk is a dependency analysis platform for multiple development stacks covering JavaScript, Java, .Net, Ruby, Python, PHP, Golang and Scala etc . it’s like npm audit but more advance. It’s also can integrated with devops tools like jenkins , docker , circle ci etc , that make snyk more powerfull.
4.Keep Cookie Secure
Simple step that can make your cookie secure is ** don’t use the default session cookie name** and set cookie security options appropriately . We can use Package Called Express-Session for handle this things. I already make a post about cookie , session and auth better you check it .
5.Always use Validation & Sanitization
Dont forget to use Validation & Sanitization , It’s will make your form more secure , because most of the time hacker will using form vulnerability to attack your app . Another Package that can handle this problem is called express validator , Again i already make a post about this and describe how to implement into your code , better you check it .
6.Always use CSURF
One classic attack when working with web applications is Cross Site Request Forgery aka CSRF/XSRF . They are used by attackers to perform requests on behalf of users in your application without them noticing.We need to set an extra value token that can be passed to the server to verify the request’s authenticity.
Another good package for handle this problem called csurf , This is Middleware for protect you from csrf attack , again csurf give you very clear documentation , link down below :
- **Csurf - NPM **
7.Use Eslint for Production App
ESLint is an open source JavaScript linting utility that help you overcome developer errors as JavaScript is loosely-typed language. So is this can make your code secure ? Directly No , But Indirectly Yes .
Eslint can make your code more readable and give pre-code review. You will find bugs and errors before they happen, you will spend less time testing new features & your code will be more consistent.
Last Word
This is the last series about express , i know a lot of things which i not yet cover but i hope this can help you understand at least what express is and how to use it . For this series i know a lot of security tweak that not yet i mention and i give you some article that speak that topic better than me :