How Much Do Software Engineer Really Make ?
Today Information technology, very important in any business. without the necessary software applications to connect with their customers and partners will soon be irrelevant, which is why software engineering and other tech-related jobs are promising career paths for future. The Answers for this question is always depend with 4 main indicator :
- How big is the company where you work for? is that Startup,Unicorn,Enterprise etc
- Your Skill & Experience
- Trainig & Education
- The most important is Where is your work location ?
That point will answer this question.For Example The Average Software Enginner Salary in United States According to the is $103,035/year.
Let’s Compare with Singapore , again according to the glassdoor the Average Software Enginner Salary in Singapore$50.000/year or equals US $37.006/year.
So Again , It’s Depend Where is your location. this is very important to get the exactly number.But below is a list of the five cities where software Engineer were paid the most. Labor data from the BLS show that median annual salaries for Engineer in the United States varied between $54,000 and $122,000. Tech professionals in each of the regions below earned over $100,000 a year.
Top 5 Cities with Highest Software Engineer Salary :
For Conclusion i think forest knight will give clear explanation how much do software engineer really make, again its depends on location and dont forget to calculation tax, cost of living etc, for better view to get a dream software engineer job. Hope This Post will answer your curiosity. Thank You