I Move From Sublime to VsCode

What’s Wrong With Sublime Text ?

First of all, this is just my opinion for 7 years experience with sublime text , so this is not an absolute statement VsCode is better than Sublime,you know it’s depends on what you need for daily code.so i’m sorry for sublime fans outside there. Let’s Straigh to the point.

Quick Comparison
First ReleaseApril 29, 2015January 18, 2008
CostFree$80 with free trial
DeveloperMicrosoftJon Skinner (Google Engineer)
PlatformsOSX, Windows, LinuxOSX, Windows, Linux
So , Why I Move to VsCode ?
1.Sublime Doesn’t Have Integrated Terminal

This is first reason why i choose VsCode , Sublime doesn’t have built in command prompt,yes you can install plugin but that’s not pretty stable.I’m I really need a terminal for install dependency for my project really quick .

It’s really slow if i use windows cmd and very annoying if i must cd.. cd\ cd.. cd\ (if you know what i mean).This is My last Sublime setup.By the way if you see same color between my sublime and VsCode it’s because i’m using same theme.

And This is My VSCode with built-in terminal

2.Performance & Rating

According to the Stackoverflow Developer Survey Results in 2018 Vs Code in the top list of the most popular development environments, so it’s huge comunity around the world.

VsCode also has really good performance especially IntelliSense features , Sublime doesn’t have autocomplete feature as rich as vscode.Visual Studio Code IntelliSense is provided for JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, HTML, CSS, SCSS, and Less out of the box.

3.Powerfull Extensions

The features that Visual Studio Code includes out-of-the-box are just the start. VS Code extensions let you add languages, debuggers, and tools to your installation to support your development workflow. VS Code’s rich extensibility model lets extension authors plug directly into the VS Code UI and contribute functionality through the same APIs used by VS Code.This is some useful extensions that vscode have.

Live Server

This extension is for Launch a local development server with live reload feature for static & dynamic web pages,very usefull.

Comment Anchors

Anchors can be used to track TODOs, write Notes, create foldable section, or to build a simple navigation, making it easier to navigate large files.Anchors can be viewed for the current file, or throughout the entire workspace, using an easy to use sidebar.

And so much more,anyway you can download extension inside the vscode by type ctrl+shift+x , and type extension name you need to install on the side bar.

Last Word

On the long time I have tried so much text editors or IDE outside there like Atom, Brackets, Sublime, Bluefish, Vim, Web Storm, PHPStorm, PyCharm, EMEditor all that stuff but it doesn’t match with my coding style. Anyway you can try VsCode and find lots of usefull extension , link down below :

The last i found VsCode and i said this is the answer of my research. For me and for now VsCode is the best code editor i can use for daily day code and for handle my entire software development project.